Monday, January 13, 2020

Comic Book with Many Characters - Tag Comics

Sometimes it is good to go through a comic book instead of grabbing a big book full of a lot of materials. If I talk about the mindset of people, they really like to read a lot. Readers love to read when they want to understand something, memorise something, learn something. This they do for charging them up with knowledge, skills, understanding. But sometimes it is not good to read for a long continuous period of time. It puts stress on your mind and you can get exhausted fast.

Reading comics lets us enjoy and understand the feeling of happiness. Comic books in Nigeria helps us to develop good habits and know what is bad. Tag Comics has brought a series of stories where you can find comic books online which is filled with a lot of fun and will entertain you through your read. Generation Rapture, Kpakow, God Fall, State-37, Danfo, Dafe Friends and all of Mishima, Danfo are some of the stories. The stories are presented chapter-wise on the website.

The publishing does have stories depicting a black superhero in Nigeria. We have picked Nigerian topics like school, culture, adventure, sociology, bravery, fiction. You will get excited to read the comics. Characters like Dafe, Shalewa, Oba Esigie, Irawo Mejo, Professor Makinde are some characters.

As far as Nigerian comics are concerned, the stories are rich in culture and traditions. We have worked a lot to make a story that is relative to people. The characters are specially chosen so that there is the importance of all the characters because all of them are a crucial part of the story.

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