Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Heroic Tales Learning in Comic Book

Let kids decide which story is the best in a comic book. There are numerous characters designed for making a story strong. The kids do not have fun in just reading the stories, they enjoy what type of characters are drawn and what type of expression they make. It is interesting to see them enjoy watching their favourite characters. Kids love to learn from their heroes whether it is comics or real life. These lessons teach them the attitude they should have among a group and the patience they have to learn from their elders.

Various comics are designed with different layouts and backgrounds. Some are presented in bright ink colours and some in paper ink publishing. It all affects the child that how he is learning things. It has a direct contact with the learning and grasp power of a child. Socialisation is also required and we should have all the information of the latest comics, at least some so we can talk about it. Many comics which are famous today are because of their work in the past. Superman and Batman stories are not the hero of today, they have been heroes for decades now. A common man who can fight for values and morals is also a hero and the one which knows how to be healthy, wealthy and wise is also a hero. Only doing is not important, learning too is important.

Climbing up a tree can be easy but how you climbed is also important. Comics teach us the same and if not, it's our duty to learn and engage. A black superhero in Nigeria can be anyone who reflects our emotions in their attitude or who makes us wilful to not only improve ourselves but others too. The heroes do not guide us, they simply take steps which are required at a time. They do not want to be a saviour or saint, they just want to save good people who can make a better world. Purifying yourself is also a part of helping others as we are part of the society. Our actions matter to them also as they do to us. Reading comic stories can be a satire, curiosity, fun, adventure, and moral for us. It depends on what type of story we are reading.

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